(picture from uvic.ca)
The Jason's World & Judy's World soap operas include:
- Common idiomatic expressions and slang in realistic contemporary settings.
- Controversial topics to keep students engaged and attentive.
- Unresolved conflicts at the end of each episode, designed to leave listeners wondering what will happen next, thereby promoting discussion.
- Additional online content for continued study.
The Student Workbook includes:
- Audio CD with 8 soap opera episodes and 8 vocabulary listening exercises.
- Over 10 different kinds of activities to introduce, review and test vocabulary.
- A variety of listening comprehension questions, including discussion, opinion and prediction questions.
- Speaking activities to promote further discussion of contemporary and controversial topics.
- Personal opinion surveys.
- Vocabulary glossary.
- Transcripts of all episodes.
- Answer key.
The Teacher's Manual includes
- All materials contained in the Student Workbook, plus...
- Notes on the methodology
- Suggestions for supplementary activities, including research topics, suggested debates, role plays, student-created dialogues, and more.
- Suggestions for activities to further review and practise vocabulary in class.
- A step-by-step guide to the exercises and activities
- Discussion questions based on vocabulary under study
- A final vocabulary test
Online Materials
Additional materials and exercises for Jason's World and Judy's World are available online, free of charge, and include:
- Dialogue gap-fill exercises for discrete listening practice.
- Supplementary vocabulary review exercises.
- "Missing" episodes featuring introduction to new vocabulary, review exercises, and comprehension questions.
- At this time, the online "missing" episodes for both soap operas are available in script form for the students to read. Future plans are to make these episodes available as online audio files.