Jason's World Border

About the Author

Gerry Luton has been teaching English as a second language for over 20 years. He has taught in both Canada and Japan. Gerry is currently the senior instructor in the English Language Centre at the University of Victoria.

Gerry is also the co-author of Gerry's Vocabulary Teacher, a software program for learning, reviewing and testing vocabulary in context.

Gerry Luton with StudentsGerry has given numerous presentations over the years, including at TESOL conferences in Dallas, Seattle, New York City, Tampa Bay, and San Antonio, as well as at the BC TEAL conference in Vancouver, B.C.

About the Artist

The artwork for the covers of Judy's World and Jason's World comes from original paintings by Sophie Pouyanne. Sophie is also responsible for the design of this website.

Jason Judy

Visit Sophie's website to see more of her artwork.